Sunday, March 2, 2014


March 2, 2014

Tomorrow, March 3, 2014, is the first anniversary of George's death.
I have chosen to write a tribute for him on his blog,
It is about who George was before MS became his destiny.
From this time forward, I will try to dwell in the good memories that we have.
He would have wanted it that way.

In loving memory of a wonderful son......



  1. Your tribute was beautiful and if blogging helps u deal with your loss write whatever u chose. Hang in there Hilda

    1. Thank you. Writing about him keeps the memories vivid. Finality of loss and constant missing him is tough to deal with. But, then, he was one tough man and I have to be as strong as he was.

  2. Still thinking about you.. and George~ Just know that you are not forgotten and George will never be either

    Warmly, Jan

    1. Jan,
      Thanks you for your words.
      Funny you should write. Yesterday was a sad day just out of the blue.
      I could not cope with the fact that our George was gone.
      I do not want him to be forgotten, and so many people are still reading his blog. Hope you are doing well.

  3. Xaidw b
    Hilda, I am one who recently was struck by this Progressive MS just over two years ago. I see the continual decline my body takes. I do enjoy seeing your post after your son left this world, and go back to re- read some of his. Continue writting

    1. Joey,
      My heart breaks for you having been diagnosed with progressive MS.
      Remember, each case is very individual, and not all as fast moving or degenerative as George's was. He tried almost everything available to stop the progression, and hopefully, you will too. I hope you have family support to love you unconditionally and help you stay hopeful.
      Take care of yourself.
      Thank you for reading, and who knows, I may write some more.

  4. A warm hello Hilda~

    Just wanted you to know YOU are on my mind today. Be well my dear ~

    Warmly, Jan

    1. A humble and appreciative "thank you". Hope your days are peaceful.

  5. Hello Hilda~

    Just wanted you to know I have been thinking of you again. I was making my bed and suddenly thoughts of you were placed on my mind/heart.

    How are you.. really??

    Warmly, Jan

    1. Jan,
      Doing better. Still some dark moments of struggle. Longing, longing, longing for the sound of his voice, a phone call, a hug, his laughter. Trying to reconcile why he suffered in so many ways. Finding a way to accept the hard decision he made even though I totally understand and loved him enough to let him find his way to peace and freedom. Take care, and thanks for the thoughts.

    2. Hilda,
      You describe "his" way to peace and freedom. That's the way I like to think of George -- free.
      These damn diseases can be like prisons. And sometimes there is only one way of escape. Most have no idea what it's like.
      George was a brave, brave man. I think of him often.

    3. Dee, Only those on the "inside" of MS understand the real truth of its impact.
      Losing George was the most devastating moment of my life. I often try and imagine how bad it was for him to decide to die rather than let MS continue its relentless ruination of his life. He was brave and determined and he is FREE.
      Peace to you.

  6. Dear Hilda~ Know how often I think of you and George of course! We are connected by his Spirit and courage! I like how he continues to jolt me from my complacency and make sure I let you know I am truly thinking of you and wondering how you are doing.

    Hugs and cont healing from George via Jan

    1. Jan,
      And, you jolted me. It has been another tough week. I talk to George all the time, but he is probably sick of hearing my laments. I miss him so completely, and have a hard time reconciling all his suffering with the goodness that was in him. Wonder if he is spending time with his kids because he is not talking to me. But, I think of him all the time. Hope you are doing well. thanks for the message
